What is the Future of Work?
You can read countless opinions about the future of work, both locally and globally. To some, it’s as tenuous and mysterious as picking winning lottery numbers. Others are willing to bet everything on their predictions. While differences of opinion do exist, nearly everyone agrees that the global pandemic changed the face of work in most, if not all, situations.
The Society for Human Resource Management says that “the coronavirus has fundamentally changed every aspect of business.” Forbes states that “the world of work is shifting.” And Slack exclaims that “leading businesses are reimagining what’s possible in the workplace.”
While people don’t change all that much, you have to manage expectations. How business leaders approach their workforce with the new workplace dynamics determine success.
Changes in the global HR landscape include:
Shifting schedules
Hybrid remote options
Travel and relocation
Workspace design
Physical and mental health protocols
Training and keeping staff continually updated
How Is Technology Involved?
There’s no argument that technology drives most of the changes in the workplace. Companies like Asheville, North Carolina-based Vistanet understand that changes must be made smoothly within an organization, without interrupting commerce — or interrupting it as little as possible. Their role is to help facilitate that change within your company.
Any new systems must be easily translatable to every employee. New technology must best serve you and your customers. While high-performance tech plays an integral role in the future of work, implementing every passing fad isn’t ever the best answer. Integrating new technology takes time and effort. Do it thoughtfully and purposefully. Every arena is affected, including:
Local boutiques and breweries
Regional construction companies and statewide nonprofits
National accounting firms and big banks
Global retailers and online service providers
What Are the Top Challenges of the Future of Work?
Employees want to be able to stay engaged and productive as they decide where they want to work from. To that end, business leaders face considerable challenges as their employees lament about:
Slow connectivity
Inability to work from multiple devices seamlessly
Lack of sufficient apps that support their work
Weak on boarding
No choice for preferred tools and devices
Poor remote support
Difficult security protocols
Inadequate home network
Throughout history, it’s the disrupters who’ve brought the global economy to the brink of a new dawn. While there have always been fatalists who negated every aspect of change, from technology to employee demands, it rarely took long to prove them wrong.
As new technology takes root, the previous lords of commerce see their starring roles in society’s economy diminish. Those who embrace the future get a head start in the race for consumers’ dollars. Both B2B and B2C commerce increase profits when leaders shake off their fear of change and learn new ways of doing business, attracting talent and satisfying clients. Contact Vistanet to learn more.